General Information & Procedure

The Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation, Inc. supports research relevant to equine health and performance.

Although there are no limits on the dollar amount that may be awarded, applicants are advised that in recent years the Foundation has awarded approximately $1,000,000 annually. An average amount funded during the past five years has been $98,500 per grant.

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS are generally limited to the submission of one application each year. The Principal investigator should have some professorial rank and salary provided from the institution involved, or hold some grade of Research Professorship with salary from the institution. Salary and Fringe benefits should not be allocated for the Principal Investigator, Co- Investigators, and faculty of the applicant institution and/ or any collaborating institution(s).

If your research interests are relevant to the equine, the online application is available at the link below.

  • Online Application
  • Sample of Application
  • Application Instructions
  • Each year the deadline for grants is the first business day of October. Failure to observe any and all instructions may result in automatic disqualification.

    The signature pages (found on the last portion of the application before submitting) must be signed and sent to our office per online instructions by the deadline as well as the electronic transmission of the application.

    All applicants must comply with the following regulations pertaining to animal use in the proposed study.

    The following statement was adopted by the Board of Directors of the Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation, Inc., on November 11, 1990, and therefore is the official policy of the Foundation:

    "The Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation's official policy on humane care and use of vertebrate animals shall require that grant applications for research employing such animals be accompanied by a letter stating that the INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE has reviewed and approved the research project for funding as requested. Grant proposals may be reviewed prior to receipt of such statement by the Foundation's Research Advisory Committee, but funds will not be awarded without a letter signed by an individual qualified and authorized to represent the application institution."